Help Garden

Powered by 🌱Roam Garden

December 1st, 2020

  • This is an "Orphan" page. Its core content has not been shared: what you see below is a loose collection of pages and page snippets that mention this page, as well as snippets of this page that were quoted elsewhere.

  • {{roam/cljs-render:

    a b c}}

  • {{TODO}} Put this at the top of your file

    • Code
      • (ns starting-point-for-custom-roam
           [reagent.core :as r]
           [datascript.core :as d]
           [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]))
      • (defn *page-with-children-by-node-title [name] 
            (dr/pull '[{:block/children ...}
                     [:node/title name])
      • (defn block-with-children-by-uid [name] 
            (dr/pull '[
                       {:block/children ...}
                       {:block/path ...}
                     [:block/uid name])
        (defn all-children [ent]
            (:block/children ent)
        (defn controlled-input [my-local-string]
                      "My local string is controlled by the input" 
                      [:li  @my-local-string]
                     [:input {:value @my-local-string
                              (fn [event] 
                                (reset! my-local-string 
                                     (.. event -target -value)))}]
        (declare color)
        (defn counter [my-local-number]
                       [:div "I have been clicked"
                     [:button {:on-click 
                               (fn [e] (swap! my-local-number inc))}
                      " times"]
        (def color ["#2EE115" "rgb(0,244,255)" "#F44336"])
        ``` [*](((oYL_2lm6B)))
      • (defn all-descendents-as-cards [block-entity]
            (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/children block-entity))]
                    {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                     :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
                   (:block/string block)]))
        ``` [*](((Fv9oJp3HV)))
        (defn test [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
          (let [*my-children (dr/pull '[{:block/children ...} 
                                      [:block/uid block-uid])]
            (js/console.log args)
            (fn [& args]
                (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/children @*my-children))]
                    {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                     :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
                   (:block/string block)]))
        (defn test2 [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
          (let [*my-children (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
                                        {:block/children ...} 
                              [:node/title "TODO"])]
            (js/console.log args)
            (fn [& args]
                (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/_refs @*my-children))]
                    {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                     :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
                   (:block/string block)]))
      • (defn page-by-node-title [name] 
            (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
                       {:block/refs ...}
                       {:block/children ...}
                       {:block/path ...}
                     [:node/title name])
        ``` [*](((N5iOmzEp3)))
        (defn my-view [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block}]     
          (let [my-local-string (r/atom "hello")
                  my-local-number (r/atom 0)]
              (fn [this-block]
                     "I am a div"
                     (pr-str color)
                     (for [x (range 2)]
                     [counter my-local-number])
                     [controlled-input my-local-string]
                     [controlled-input my-local-string]])))
        (defn last-render [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block}]     
          (let [my-local-string (r/atom "hello")
                  my-local-number (r/atom 0)]
              (fn [this-block]
                     "I am a div"
                      @(*page-with-children-by-node-title "roamhacker")]
      • (defn random-n-refs [n ent]
            (take n (set (:block/_refs ent))
      • (defn *pull-refs [block-uid]
            (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
        (defn show-refs [component n x]
         (doall (for [y (take @n (:block/_refs @x))]
          [component y]))]
        (defn my-item [data]
            [:div.bp3-card (:block/string data)]
        (defn my-random-generator [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block} n v]     
          (let [my-local-string (r/atom v)
                  my-local-number (r/atom (js/parseInt n))]
              (fn [this-block n v]
                     "I am a div"
                     (pr-str v)
                     [counter my-local-number]
                     [controlled-input my-local-string]
                     [show-refs my-item 
                      (*pull-refs [:node/title @my-local-string])]
    • r/atom gives you a local variable
    • Final function in your namespace is what gets called with roam-render
  • Code

    • (ns starting-point-for-custom-roam
         [reagent.core :as r]
         [datascript.core :as d]
         [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]))
    • (defn *page-with-children-by-node-title [name] 
          (dr/pull '[{:block/children ...}
                   [:node/title name])
    • (defn block-with-children-by-uid [name] 
          (dr/pull '[
                     {:block/children ...}
                     {:block/path ...}
                   [:block/uid name])
      (defn all-children [ent]
          (:block/children ent)
      (defn controlled-input [my-local-string]
                    "My local string is controlled by the input" 
                    [:li  @my-local-string]
                   [:input {:value @my-local-string
                            (fn [event] 
                              (reset! my-local-string 
                                   (.. event -target -value)))}]
      (declare color)
      (defn counter [my-local-number]
                     [:div "I have been clicked"
                   [:button {:on-click 
                             (fn [e] (swap! my-local-number inc))}
                    " times"]
      (def color ["#2EE115" "rgb(0,244,255)" "#F44336"])
      ``` [*](((oYL_2lm6B)))
    • (defn all-descendents-as-cards [block-entity]
          (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/children block-entity))]
                  {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                   :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
                 (:block/string block)]))
      ``` [*](((Fv9oJp3HV)))
      (defn test [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
        (let [*my-children (dr/pull '[{:block/children ...} 
                                    [:block/uid block-uid])]
          (js/console.log args)
          (fn [& args]
              (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/children @*my-children))]
                  {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                   :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
                 (:block/string block)]))
      (defn test2 [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
        (let [*my-children (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
                                      {:block/children ...} 
                            [:node/title "TODO"])]
          (js/console.log args)
          (fn [& args]
              (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/_refs @*my-children))]
                  {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                   :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
                 (:block/string block)]))
    • (defn page-by-node-title [name] 
          (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
                     {:block/refs ...}
                     {:block/children ...}
                     {:block/path ...}
                   [:node/title name])
      ``` [*](((N5iOmzEp3)))
      (defn my-view [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block}]     
        (let [my-local-string (r/atom "hello")
                my-local-number (r/atom 0)]
            (fn [this-block]
                   "I am a div"
                   (pr-str color)
                   (for [x (range 2)]
                   [counter my-local-number])
                   [controlled-input my-local-string]
                   [controlled-input my-local-string]])))
      (defn last-render [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block}]     
        (let [my-local-string (r/atom "hello")
                my-local-number (r/atom 0)]
            (fn [this-block]
                   "I am a div"
                    @(*page-with-children-by-node-title "roamhacker")]
    • (defn random-n-refs [n ent]
          (take n (set (:block/_refs ent))
    • (defn *pull-refs [block-uid]
          (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
      (defn show-refs [component n x]
       (doall (for [y (take @n (:block/_refs @x))]
        [component y]))]
      (defn my-item [data]
          [:div.bp3-card (:block/string data)]
      (defn my-random-generator [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block} n v]     
        (let [my-local-string (r/atom v)
                my-local-number (r/atom (js/parseInt n))]
            (fn [this-block n v]
                   "I am a div"
                   (pr-str v)
                   [counter my-local-number]
                   [controlled-input my-local-string]
                   [show-refs my-item 
                    (*pull-refs [:node/title @my-local-string])]
  • (ns starting-point-for-custom-roam
       [reagent.core :as r]
       [datascript.core :as d]
       [roam.datascript.reactive :as dr]))
  • (defn *page-with-children-by-node-title [name] 
        (dr/pull '[{:block/children ...}
                 [:node/title name])
  • (defn block-with-children-by-uid [name] 
        (dr/pull '[
                   {:block/children ...}
                   {:block/path ...}
                 [:block/uid name])
    (defn all-children [ent]
        (:block/children ent)
    (defn controlled-input [my-local-string]
                  "My local string is controlled by the input" 
                  [:li  @my-local-string]
                 [:input {:value @my-local-string
                          (fn [event] 
                            (reset! my-local-string 
                                 (.. event -target -value)))}]
    (declare color)
    (defn counter [my-local-number]
                   [:div "I have been clicked"
                 [:button {:on-click 
                           (fn [e] (swap! my-local-number inc))}
                  " times"]
    (def color ["#2EE115" "rgb(0,244,255)" "#F44336"])
    ``` [*](((oYL_2lm6B)))
  • (defn all-descendents-as-cards [block-entity]
        (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/children block-entity))]
                {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                 :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
               (:block/string block)]))
    ``` [*](((Fv9oJp3HV)))
    (defn test [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
      (let [*my-children (dr/pull '[{:block/children ...} 
                                  [:block/uid block-uid])]
        (js/console.log args)
        (fn [& args]
            (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/children @*my-children))]
                {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                 :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
               (:block/string block)]))
    (defn test2 [{:keys [block-uid]} & args]
      (let [*my-children (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
                                    {:block/children ...} 
                          [:node/title "TODO"])]
        (js/console.log args)
        (fn [& args]
            (doall (for [block (rest (tree-seq :block/uid :block/_refs @*my-children))]
                {:style {:background-color (rand-nth color)}
                 :on-click (fn [e] (js/alert (:block/uid block)))}
               (:block/string block)]))
  • (defn page-by-node-title [name] 
        (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
                   {:block/refs ...}
                   {:block/children ...}
                   {:block/path ...}
                 [:node/title name])
    ``` [*](((N5iOmzEp3)))
    (defn my-view [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block}]     
      (let [my-local-string (r/atom "hello")
              my-local-number (r/atom 0)]
          (fn [this-block]
                 "I am a div"
                 (pr-str color)
                 (for [x (range 2)]
                 [counter my-local-number])
                 [controlled-input my-local-string]
                 [controlled-input my-local-string]])))
    (defn last-render [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block}]     
      (let [my-local-string (r/atom "hello")
              my-local-number (r/atom 0)]
          (fn [this-block]
                 "I am a div"
                  @(*page-with-children-by-node-title "roamhacker")]
  • (defn random-n-refs [n ent]
        (take n (set (:block/_refs ent))
  • (defn *pull-refs [block-uid]
        (dr/pull '[{:block/_refs ...}
    (defn show-refs [component n x]
     (doall (for [y (take @n (:block/_refs @x))]
      [component y]))]
    (defn my-item [data]
        [:div.bp3-card (:block/string data)]
    (defn my-random-generator [{:keys [:block/uid] :as this-block} n v]     
      (let [my-local-string (r/atom v)
              my-local-number (r/atom (js/parseInt n))]
          (fn [this-block n v]
                 "I am a div"
                 (pr-str v)
                 [counter my-local-number]
                 [controlled-input my-local-string]
                 [show-refs my-item 
                  (*pull-refs [:node/title @my-local-string])]
  • r/atom gives you a local variable

  • Final function in your namespace is what gets called with roam-render

  • {{roam/render:


    • a
    • {{TODO}} Show how to hide all child blocks
    • {{TODO}} Inline components?
  • a

  • {{TODO}} Show how to hide all child blocks

  • {{TODO}} Inline components?

December 1st, 2020