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Roam Pairing with Bardia on CSS and [BEM]

  • Dropzone
  • Goals::
    • {{TODO}} Introduce some of Roam Pairing process to folks
    • {{TODO}} Go through some of the LESS documentation - and see how I might use some of the helper stuff like variables to more systematically write class names.
    • {{TODO}} Map out some of the BEM things for our class
  • Help Resources::
  • Items to map out
    • [[Roam::BEM]] of Block Controls
    • BEM components
    • Controls
      • Expand
        • current::
          • block-expand
      • Bullet
        • E
        • Bullet Inner
        • <span class="simple-bullet-outer cursor-pointer" draggable="true"\><span class="simple-bullet-inner"\></span\></span\>
  • Sublog
    • 16:15 - 16:24 (9 min)
      • setup
    • 16:25 - 16:27
      • 16:30
      • figuring out zoom stuff
    • 16:30 - 17:17
      • Focus area
        • 16:39
      • 16:39 - 16:41
      • Tangent Meta (20 min)
        • 16:53 - 17:03 (10 min)
          • One of the things I've been playing around with is the idea of tagging each item with whether they are B, E, or M
            • Why
              • Will totally affect their naming convention
            • What's missing?
              • Whether the class actually is sensible at all - or whether it is something that might not actually be a sensible container to exist.
          • My first approach here was to go with block references - since it seems like these B, E, M are really only locally defined
          • Previous approach had been to use Namespaced Pages - but that approach - even when using the styling BEM/Element or BEM/E feels both wrong and too slow.
          • Takeaways
        • 17:03 - 17:11 (7 min)
          • What I really want is to locally define the Text Expansion Templates so that I am able to reference the blocks with ;m ;b ;e and have it put out the relevant item - in this case a block ref
            • Idea - the thing that I've been sort of feeling as I play with this just now
              • Particular this area {{embed:
                • B
                • E
                • M
              • Is that I want to be able to either
                • Workflows
                • Drag the block directly into another block - to apply it as a tag
                • Turn the block into a sort of stamp
              • Map a choice of any of those three across a whole tree of the things I had laid out.
        • 17:11 - 17:14 (3 min)
          • Copy Paste related Feature Requests Inspired by
            Map a choice of any of those three across a whole tree of the things I had laid out.
            - which refs a block on Algorithms of Thought
            • {{TODO}} I wish when I copied a block - when it included a reference to something on a another page - when I pasted it in - I brought all the content that was neccessary along with it (created the new page)
              • Footgun - really we should be setting things up so that when you copy paste between dbs - you link to the other db
                • False - you still want a local copy of your own - even if it is linked to the other one - and this should at least be a prompt
                  • Bring the whole trail of nested items....
    • 17:17 - 17:28 (11 min)
      • Tangent on the use of {{or: }} in here
        • If you set the or up
          • test {{or:
            | a}}
            • a
    • 17:41
      • [[MindBEMding - getting your head around Bem syntax]]
        • .rm-block .rm--heading {
             .rm-block__children {
               .rm-block__bullet {
                 margin-right: -12px;
                 opacity: 0;
        • {{TODO}} Choice Are elements ever sub-elements in BEM - or is it just always single level of hierarchy?

          • Specific Instance::
            • Is it .rm-block__controls__bullet
            • .rm-block
              • If you for instance had .rm-bullet--version or .rm-bullet--user-icon .rm-bullet--read-status
November 21st, 2020